Monday, February 4, 2008

Live = Christ, Die = Gain

We sometimes have a hard time connecting the Word of God to us.

We are SO about living! From the time we get up, until the time we lay down, we try to cram as much living into every day as possible.

The reality is, this thing we call LIFE is just a trial run for ETERNAL life. For us to get there, we have to go through a temporary experience called death.

Living the christian life is the art of practicing "dying". Not in a literal sense, but a spiritual one. It's learning not to hold anything so close that I cannot let it go if I need to.

I was going through some notes this morning and came across a phrase from a class with Dr. Earl Creps. It turned my thinking machine on.

"What part of me needs to die today, so that I may live as Christ?"

So what is it? Huh?


Timothy said...


I like your blog

I just found it this morning

I will continue reading if you continue posting

Tim Bledsoe

Earl Creps said...

Hey, Michael. Thanks for the mention in your great-looking blog. I have told the story of the young people visiting your home at 2am for home cooking all over the country. So impressed with what you are doing. All the best. E